Friday, November 20, 2009

coming home

So this will be my last blog before I leave the Balkans. I have to leave early because of health issues. Thanks so much for everyone and their thoughts.
My time here has been amazing and I will never forget it. I guess that’s the point right. I am supposed to be changed. I am supposed to learn. Right?
I am at point where I know that life has no values without God. After all he is the one who gave us life. I don’t know why certain things happen or why God calls us to do certain things, But I do know that I have no control over them. No one does. I mean how awful would it be of some one other then God did. If there is one thing that I could tell you that I learned and that I would want you to know is that we are nothing and He is everything. Just think about that. I don’t think I really got it until now.
So thanks so much for all of the support that you have given me and keeping me encouraged when it was hard and sharing the blessings God place out before us. I will see you guys in a few days.