Thursday, June 24, 2010


The call that God has placed on mylife still stops me in my tracks. I know and have known for a while that I am different and God has placed a call on my life. I have been confused to what that is but i know He will reveal it to me daily. It wasnt until this week that I was reminded by one of my muslim friends that my life is not my own. I dont know where I forgot that.... because really it has always been inthe back of my head. I cant force my beliefs on anyone and I will never be able to. All I can do it present to them the same love that I know and hope that they can see and feel the same love I know. My friend asked my what my purpose was for coming here and I told him in the name of J i do everything. I hope that my actions can help me be a light that he so desperatly yearns and searchs for.

This week I have been interviewing women for a group to start working with world crafts. It has been really neat I have been able to meet lots of families of all different nationalities. Turkish, bosnian, and albanian I am excited to start this with the women to help provide an income!!

I have also been making friends through different ways of communication... i dont speak macedonian ...... i dont think i ever will but i have been making friends anyway..... I love other forms of communication.

Its like i never left but at the same time i have missed so much.

Please pray that Amber and I find a place to live.... we are living in a hotel right now and it is killing my budget.

Love you all

Sunday, June 6, 2010

A new beginning

Its my last night in the states until December. I cant believe it. As I am praying and anticipating these next 6 months I cant help but remember that I have only been back for six months. I remember how amazing and hard it was coming back. If you would have asked me if i would be going back I would have said I dont know. Its been a crazy and amazing past sixmonths, i remember coming through culture shock thinking I will never be able to get through this. I did, I got through and it was hard but I learned so much through it. Thanks so much for your prayer and support that you all give me. It means so much to me that I have family and friends who stand behind me as I listen to our father. I will be keeping you all updated on the the work that we will be doing.

Romans 10:13-15

Friday, November 20, 2009

coming home

So this will be my last blog before I leave the Balkans. I have to leave early because of health issues. Thanks so much for everyone and their thoughts.
My time here has been amazing and I will never forget it. I guess that’s the point right. I am supposed to be changed. I am supposed to learn. Right?
I am at point where I know that life has no values without God. After all he is the one who gave us life. I don’t know why certain things happen or why God calls us to do certain things, But I do know that I have no control over them. No one does. I mean how awful would it be of some one other then God did. If there is one thing that I could tell you that I learned and that I would want you to know is that we are nothing and He is everything. Just think about that. I don’t think I really got it until now.
So thanks so much for all of the support that you have given me and keeping me encouraged when it was hard and sharing the blessings God place out before us. I will see you guys in a few days.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

a reminder

You know when you have one those days when you just know you are right where you are suppose to be. I love those days. I have had some hard times but when you days like I had today it makes every hard day worth all of it. Today we all gathered at New Hope to meet and talk about our Father. We had two girls come that are our students. It was really exciting to have them come. I hope that we continue to have lots of opportunities with them. I am going to start meeting with them so we can read a book in English. Anyway we talked about the 12 that the Son appointed. Donna my supervisor really presented it in a different way then what I would have looked at it. We individually talked about each of them and their qualities and what kind of work they did. I know He does not call what we would say are the qualified but He calls the people that He knows and trust all according to his plan. One thing we talked about was if you had to choose 4 people that you would want to help you carry out an important mission who would you choose. Of course you would choose the people you trust first, not necessary the most qualified. The people that popped into my head first were two of my friends and family and a mentor. These are people I trust and know will help me with whatever I need. I didn’t pick what some would say practical people. I love this bc I know that the people He choose he choose for a reason. The same for myself and why I am here, not just me but the IMB team I am working with. He has brought them all here for His purpose to work for Him. You know I know this but today I was just reminded of the wisdom our Father has and how little we have. Please remember the believers here…I wish they would gain strength to be bold and not be afraid of what they believe. For the two girls that came to the Big house today. For the people in mac, that they keep their mind open to His plan for the work that is and will continue to be done there. Thanks

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Different location same Father

Being in the Balkans

I have been over a month already and I can’t believe how fast time has gone by. After spending three months in Macedonia I was not sure what it would be like here. Many of you know about the amazing and hard times I had in Macedonia. I had decided that being here in the Balkans was going to be amazing…..and it has been so far. I knew I would have struggles but at the same time I knew and know that our Father is at work here. It is hard to see sometimes bc it is such a dark place. I can see Him in the beauty of nature or even His love for the human race with every smile that I see when I walk down the street. I am working at a center where I teach English and also do aid work. Currently we are finding families to give firewood and food to. It has been really neat to meet the families in this area. At the same time it is intimidating, the city I live in has over 40,000 college students alone. They will all be coming into the city starting at the end of this month. (Many of them are still home for the summer). I have been able to have some really good discussions with a lady that I work with about love and what the Fathers role in that is. She is a part of our family but she is still drinking milk and not eating the solid food. That’s actually how a lot of our Family is here…. They know our Father but they keep drinking only milk and they never get bigger. I am glad that I can somehow encourage them. I have been told a lot from my supervisor about the way of life, my heart cries out for our sisters here. I don’t think as woman I can even fathom the struggles they are going through. The women here only have one job and one job only and that is to be a good wife. Other than that they have no purpose in this culture. So if you’re not married there is either something wrong with you or you’re a widow. For our sisters here who will not marry bc they do not want to be unequally yoked have it hard bc there are failing as a women to their culture and at the same time trying to remain strong to our Father. Can you imagine this. Being a complete failure in life bc you are apart of the Family. I still can’t imagine it….and I see it every day. I have also learned how cut off from the world I am ….especially being at Wayland. It is such a big world I don’t think as a family we are suppose to avoid all the problems of those who are not apart of our family. The people are loved by our Father the same way that he loves us. They just don’t have the opportunity to know that. He is teaching me a lot.
I have also learned that just bc I am working in another country for our father it does not mean I can go on break with our father. The journey man here that I work with was telling me about his training before he came and how just bc we are at work here does not mean that Satdevilen is going to leave me alone it really just means that I am under more attack. It sounds simple like well duh you didn’t know well yea I did but I didn’t prepare myself for it. When you are at place like wayland it is easy not to be challenged for what you believe bc for the most part everyone you know is the same as you. Don’t get me wrong Wayland is in need of lots of work from our family to….. I am just trying to say that this place just isn’t like it is at home! :0) I am learning that I need to keep myself challenged so I can grow and be strong. I have been memorizing for our Fathers book… HE is the vine and we are the branches …. Apart from Him we can nothing. Thanks you so much for all the encouragement and support that you have given me. It really means lot to me especially when you feel like the darkness is overtaking the light. Love you guys… and not really this time I will try to keep up with blogging!!!
Please remember these things
The lady I work with…I hope that she will allow me to help her onkw our father more and more.
The center that I work at- the families.
For myself to stay strong and let my burdened heart not bring me down but to give me strength for the people here.
For our family here, not to be so discouraged, and to want to eat more solid food ..