Sunday, October 11, 2009

a reminder

You know when you have one those days when you just know you are right where you are suppose to be. I love those days. I have had some hard times but when you days like I had today it makes every hard day worth all of it. Today we all gathered at New Hope to meet and talk about our Father. We had two girls come that are our students. It was really exciting to have them come. I hope that we continue to have lots of opportunities with them. I am going to start meeting with them so we can read a book in English. Anyway we talked about the 12 that the Son appointed. Donna my supervisor really presented it in a different way then what I would have looked at it. We individually talked about each of them and their qualities and what kind of work they did. I know He does not call what we would say are the qualified but He calls the people that He knows and trust all according to his plan. One thing we talked about was if you had to choose 4 people that you would want to help you carry out an important mission who would you choose. Of course you would choose the people you trust first, not necessary the most qualified. The people that popped into my head first were two of my friends and family and a mentor. These are people I trust and know will help me with whatever I need. I didn’t pick what some would say practical people. I love this bc I know that the people He choose he choose for a reason. The same for myself and why I am here, not just me but the IMB team I am working with. He has brought them all here for His purpose to work for Him. You know I know this but today I was just reminded of the wisdom our Father has and how little we have. Please remember the believers here…I wish they would gain strength to be bold and not be afraid of what they believe. For the two girls that came to the Big house today. For the people in mac, that they keep their mind open to His plan for the work that is and will continue to be done there. Thanks

1 comment:

  1. Hey Melanie!
    IT is good to hear how the Father is working!
